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There is an updated version of the EPV-calculator found here: https://infovoice.se/epv-calculator/

Suggested pre-reading What this web page adds
  1. Introduction to research
  2. Philosophy of science
  3. Introduction to qualitative methods
This web-page describes the statistical software NVIVO often used in research projects using an empiric-holistic approach. Reading this will make you understand how this software works and how to start using it.

Introduction to NVIVO:

You would use a statistical software package for analysing observations represented by numbers. NVIVO is the reciprocal software for ordering and analysing observations that are not numerical. It can be text, images, video etc. NVIVO does not make the analysis for you. Rather it is a tool to facilitate your own analysis of the observations you have. The first video below gives a brief introduction to what this software can do.

Start a new project in NVIVO

Coding in NVIVO

Links for more help

There is an updated version of the EPV-calculator found here: https://infovoice.se/epv-calculator/

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