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Updates and future plans

Minor technical improvements and other minor adjustments such as spelling errors will not be logged as an update. All other updates will be logged below. Major updates are planned for 2025…. …

Update log

2024 (click to expand)

13th of March 2024The page About was updated with information about the CV for the web site manager.

2023 (click to expand)

22nd of December 2023“Science Ronny” was updated to use GPT-4.
15th of October 2023“Science Ronny” was updated with new functionality. You can now talk to Science Ronny using a microphone. Also any chat can be downloaded as a textfile.
12th of May 2023A glitch on the EPV-calculator page prohibiting the calculator from showing up was fixed.
23rd of March 2023A few glitches with “Science Ronny” was fixed.
15th of March 2023“Science Ronny” was updated to use ChatGPT-4.0.

2022 (click to expand)

December 2022“Science Ronny” was updated to use GPT-3.5.
13th of January 2022 The page About was updated with information about the CV for the web site manager.
13th of January 2022The page The Ask “Science Ronny” was updated with information about what to do if for any reason the chat bot (or any other part of this web site) does not behave as expected
6th of January 2022The page About was updated

Before 2022 (click to expand)

There were numerous updates before 2022 but they were not systematically logged here (except for the one below)

18th of December 2021The AI assistant “Science Ronny” was updated with completely new state of the art technology (GPT 3.0).

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